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Phone: 585-533-2170

Sunday Worship Schedule

8:30 am - Adult Book/Bible Study with Michelle Prok
8:30 am - Choir Rehearsal
9:30 am - Worship Service - In Person and on YouTube and Facebook
9:45 am - One Room Sunday School Class for Children

10:45 am - Rush UMC Coffee Hour
10:45 am - Adult Class: "Resist Chaos by Anchoring Yourself in God's Truth"

Communion offered 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month





God freely gives us life, health, and breath. We are given talents and the ability to improve our talents, to work and earn a living, to establish priorities for our time, talent, and treasures.


If the Lord is a priority in your life, I invite you to make it a priority to contribute your time, talent, and treasures to the mission and ministries of the Rush United Methodist Church.  


Time & Talent: Support our Worship, Education, Congregation, Leadership, and Administration


Time & Talent: Support our Outreach to the community, region, nation, and world


Treasure: Our church, like every church requires charitable contributions to operate, support ministries, and to engage in missions. We maintain the highest stewardship practices for church finances to ensure your trust (Click here to read our "General Operating Procedures for Finances"). Our budget process encourages transparency and the efficient use of church funds, always supported by discernment and prayer. 


A "Tithe" is a biblical standard for giving. A tithe is considered 10% of net income. For most people, a tithe is aspirational, achievable with discipline in increments over time. Great joy can be found in reaching the goal as a tithing member of the church!


While we greatly encourage gifts to the Operational Fund that maintains current expenses, gifts may also be designated to Special Projects, the Building Fund, Memorial Fund, or the Endowment Fund


On May 1, 2022 we launched a $500,000 five year Capital Stewardship Campaign to repair and enhance our 26 year old building and campus. Our goal is to make our community of faith as welcoming and hospital as possible. All members and friends are encouraged to make a sacrificial pledge to our goal. Contact the office to learn more.


Gifts may be made by cash or checks during Sunday worship, or may be mailed to the church office at 6200 Rush Lima Road, Rush, New York 14543.


Consider one-time and recurrent donations on line: Secure eService Payments


If you would like discuss gifts of retirement distributions, stocks & bonds, 401(k) or 403(b), real estate or other wealth, please contact Pastor Todd Goddard (  585.703.9235) or Jim Comstock (  585.520.6854).


Thank you for your generosity



Sunday Worship Time

In person and on YouTube Live and Facebook Watch

Holy Communion celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, except during Lent

The Hearing Loop is available and working
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